Ardennes History Remember
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Event 13, 14 & 15 December 2024
New: Manhay 2023 Flashback!
The association “Ardennes Histoire Souviens-toi” would like to grant the municipal authorities and their staff. The law enforcement and the DNF. Thank you to our sponsors. A huge THANK YOU to the many volunteers who gave their time to make this wonderful weekend a real success. Thank you to all the re-enactors on both sides and to the civilians. To the many US vehicle owners but also to those of the Notek column. Thanks to the 101Airb/326th Engineer Group for the Bailey Bridge. Thank you to all of you who were present in Manhay for this 78th anniversary of the Battle of the Ardennes. We will be present again next year hoping that we can live up to this year. But we are already thinking about it! So, see you on December 8-9 and 10, 2023 at Grandmenil-MANHAY.
THANK YOU to you and to the many messages of encouragement.
Thank you to all of you.

Time Travellers , Retro & Vintage Photography

Bob’s Battle of the Bulge Tours

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